United States Deputy Secretary of State

The Deputy Secretary of State of the United States is the principal deputy to the secretary of state. The current deputy Secretary of State is Wendy Ruth Sherman, serving since April 2021 under secretary of state Antony Blinken. if the secretary of state resigns or dies, the deputy secretary of state becomes acting secretary of state until the President nominates in addition to the Senate confirms a replacement. The position was created in 1972. Prior to July 13, 1972, the Under Secretary of State had been theranking officer of the Department of State. The position is currently held by Wendy Sherman.

The State Department is the only federal Cabinet-level company to defecate two co-equal Deputy Secretaries. TheDeputy Secretary of State, the Deputy Secretary of State for management and Resources, serves as the "first assistant" for the purposes of the Vacancies turn Act, but both deputy secretaries make full delegated dominance to act for the secretary, if non otherwise prohibited by law.

Certain Deputy Secretaries of State went on to become appointed as the Secretary of State, such(a) as Lawrence Eagleburger in 1992, Warren Christopher in 1993, as living as Antony Blinken in 2021.