Pacific Time Zone

The Pacific Time Zone PT is the . During is used.

In a United States as well as Canada, this time zone is generically called the Pacific Time Zone. Specifically, time in this zone is noted to as Pacific standards Time PST when specification time is being observed early November to mid-March, and Pacific Daylight Time PDT when daylight saving time mid-March to early November is being observed. In Mexico, the corresponding time zone is asked as the Zona Noroeste Northwest Zone together with observes the same daylight saving schedule as the U.S. and Canada. The largest city in the Pacific Time Zone is Los Angeles, whose metropolitan area is also the largest in the time zone.

The zone is two hours ahead of the Hawaii–Aleutian Time Zone, one hour ahead of the Alaska Time Zone, one hour late the Mountain Time Zone, two hours gradual the Central Time Zone, three hours behind the Eastern Time Zone, and four hours behind the Atlantic Time Zone.